Monday 21 July 2014

Summer Evening Cropping with Michael

I always try and make an effort to keep up with my personal photography work as much as I can. I find it's the best way to grow and improve my work. In preparation for an upcoming shoot, I decided to ask Michael if he was up to modelling for some photos. Luckily he agreed and we were soon wondering through my suburban neighborhood. I really wanted to play with different cropping. Although it was a quick exercise, I really find value in any sort of practicing/experimenting I can do.

This image was taken in side walked pathway between two streets. There happened to be some tall bushes from one of the neighboring house's backyards.  There was a tiny piece of the top of a chain link fence in the bottom left corner that I found distracting, so I cloned it out in Photoshop. 

The three above were taken in a secluded/abandoned baseball diamond that is surrounded by a tiny creek and tons of trees.

And of course, one documenting some houses in suburbia.

I used my new 85mm f1.8 lens and Nikon D600.
For toning, I really wanted a film/analog look to these. I achieved this by playing with adjustment layers in Photoshop. I find lightening up the blacks really defines the film/analog look. I really love the look of the rich greens I got.


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