Wednesday 23 July 2014

Niagara Botanical Gardens with Tyler

Working with Tyler has been something I've had on my "to-do" list for a long time. I had a gut feeling that she would be great in front of the camera and she didn't disappoint!  This was the first big personal shoot I had done with my brand new 85mm lens. If I hadn't been convinced it was a "must need" in my kit already, this shoot would have proved it!

I wanted to do something soft and pretty, but emotive at the same time. We stuck to a very natural look...nothing too over processed in hair or makeup. I wanted her natural beauty to shine through. I love the contrast of her brunette hair to her pale skin and freckles!

As for the location, I initially wanted to find a large rosebush, but I wasn't able to really find any around where I live. I decided my best bet would be to try the Niagara Botanical Gardens in Niagara Falls. I had never been there, but I knew it was time to try it out!
In the midst of my excitement, I forgot to take some photos on my phone of the location. Thankfully after a quick Google image search, I grabbed a couple of the areas we shot in

(We actually moved the bench to get some better angles in front of the bush, hehe)

Tyler had never modeled before, but that wasn't an issue. I've worked with many people with little to no experience. After a few photos, she was comfortable in front of the camera and brought her A game! Also a big thanks for her putting up with thorns and mosquitos!

Here are a few of my favourites...

(this photo had a distracting branch and white sky at the top, so I swapped it out for a background of one of the other shots. I'm not the best at doing this kind of manipulation, but I try to do it when I feel it's needed)

(this is why they call the hour before sunset "golden hour", there's nothing more satisfying than capturing that golden light)

(I attempted using a crystal in front of my lens for this one.. still need to tweak this technique a bit)

(this one is 4-5 images stitched)

My Nikon D600 and 85mm were used. Also, I use Photoshop CS6, not sure if I've mentioned that in my other posts.

After I showed Tyler a couple of the first finished photos, she told me that I had made her feel very pretty. This is the exact reason I love being a photographer. Knowing I can make people feel good about themselves makes me extremely happy.

Feel free to ask me any questions about any of my shoots!

Till next time, 




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